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Part-time flexworkers

  • Parttime
  • |
  • Utrecht
  • |
  • €14,06
Part-time flexworkers
  • Parttime
  • Utrecht
  • €14,06

Wat je gaat doen

As a flexpool employee at ASA Utrecht, you'll be at the heart of our vibrant service delivery, ensuring our clients can rely on you for a variety of support tasks. Your adaptability and versatility will be key in making a difference, contributing to both customer satisfaction and a positive work environment. The challenges you'll face, such as switching between different tasks and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, make this role uniquely enriching.

  • Adjust your work hours and days to achieve the perfect balance with your personal life, showcasing your flexibility.
  • Gain diverse experiences by working in various roles across sectors like catering, hospitality, logistics, customer service, and administration.
  • Collaborate with a diverse team to expand your network in and around Utrecht.
  • Develop your skills by taking on a wide range of tasks and responsibilities.
  • Actively contribute to a positive and inclusive workplace by showing initiative and working respectfully with others.

Wat we je bieden

At ASA Utrecht, we recognize that a fulfilling career extends beyond the job itself—it's about growing personally and professionally. Here's what we offer to support your journey.

  • An hourly wage of 14,06 
  • Part-time 'sid job' contract offering flexibility
  • 3 to 32 hours per week, tailored to your schedule
  • Weekly pay plus 8% holiday allowance
  • Accrue 10% leave hours with every shift
  • Opportunities for on-the-job training and skill development

Wat we van je vragen

Seeking an eager learner and collaborative spirit with a flexible approach to work.

  • Resides in or near Utrecht
  • Flexible availability alongside studies
  • Available at least one day per week
  • Open to learning and embracing challenges

Over het bedrijf

Welcome to ASA Utrecht, a vibrant staffing agency nestled in the heart of Utrecht. Our mission is to make talents like yours shine in roles that match your ambitions. We celebrate diversity and strive for an inclusive culture where everyone feels at home. ASA stands out with a personal touch and a wide array of part-time positions, perfect for balancing work and studies.

At ASA Utrecht, we offer a dynamic community where flexibility, growth, and diversity converge. Our personalized approach and extensive part-time opportunities ensure an inclusive work environment for all. Are you ready to develop your skills and contribute to our collective success?

Imagine being part of a team where your versatility and dedication make a real impact. Would you like to join us in our mission to empower the workforce of tomorrow?

Wij geloven in gelijke kansen en onze vacatures staan voor iedereen open.


Schrijf je in voor arbeidsbemiddeling en solliciteer gericht op deze vacature.

Bedoelde je ?
Voer een geldig telefoonnummer in. Bijvoorbeeld +31612345678, 0031612345678 of 0612345678.
Upload hier jouw CV. Dit is je visitekaartje voor ons én voor opdrachtgevers waar we je voorstellen. Je kunt een foto opnemen op je CV, maar als je dit niet doet heeft dit geen negatieve gevolgen voor je sollicitatie. Als je een foto opneemt in je CV dan geef je ASA Talent - én de bedrijven die horen bij RGF Staffing the Netherlands - toestemming om deze te verwerken en te verstrekken aan (potentiële) opdrachtgevers.
Jouw gegevens worden gebruikt voor arbeidsbemiddeling, dit vindt deels geautomatiseerd plaats. In ons privacy statement kun je nalezen hoe wij jouw gegevens verwerken.

Heb je vragen?

Neem contact op met Peyton van Amersfoort, een van onze vacature specialisten die je met alle liefde verder helpt.

Peyton van Amersfoort
Neem contact op
ASA Utrecht
Ganzenmarkt 22
3512 GE Utrecht

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